Thursday, January 27, 2011

Peanut Unveiled!

This is our baby, Peanut, and she's looking at you. We're going to be writing here updating all you good folks, who care to know Audrey's and Peanut's progress, their likes, their dislikes, what they do in their free time, etc. I'll also be finding my way in here from time to time, but I know who steals the show.

Today, we got the last ultrasound before we see Peanut face to face, and she's perfectly average. A nice boring pregnancy. Just like we like. The ultrasound tech told us she was in the 60th percentile for overall size (she's an even 6 lbs. at 35 weeks), so she might be a little big when she's born, but from her pictures, she looks like a little healthy chunk. I've posted more pictures on Facebook, so if you'd like to see them, go to our "Contact Us" page and click on "Andrew's Facebook." They should be there somewhere. There are pictures of Audrey's bump up there too.

That's all I got for now... a little introductory info, but if you want to stay updated, subscribe with your email address on the left side of the page, and if all goes according to plan, you should get the posts directly to your Inbox. Well, say goodnight to Peanut and her big eyes. I'm sure they'll be the death of me more than once or twice.
